It’s not so much, who is Shifty McCraigslist, but more of what he represents. Shifty is the embodiment of how frustrating buying and selling can be on the Internet. No matter where you turn, someone somewhere is trying to swindle you out of your hard earned cash. The cautionary tale of being careful and not getting taken advantage of by a misrepresenting individual, certainly stands online!
I was always raised with the understanding that, "You always get what you pay for," and, "If it’s sounds too good to be true, it probably is." Nothing rings truer 9 times out of 10, especially when it comes to purchasing goods through the Internet.
We know that you have choices when it comes to buying Jeep parts; there are tons of reputable companies out there. But use caution when someone tells you that they can build you the same thing for less, because more times than not, you will be the one that ends up onthe wrong end of the "deal."